My cancer treatments are going well - the oncologist said today that he has never encountered anyone doing as well as I have been doing throughout chemo. My blood work both last week and this week have held steady - thanks to three shots in the rear from James each week. My liver numbers are elevated, however not so much to change the chemo treatment and the oncologist said that he really doesn't want to do that. Besides the fatigue, the only new side effects I've noticed are a tremendous amount of spider veins on my legs, which the doctor said is probably due the Paclitaxel - it is hard on the veins, and fuzzy hair on my face. Did I mention that before? Sometimes I substitute words and forget things easily. Another little side effect that I don't attribute to age.
The treatment plan at this point is to finish the final three rounds of chemo over the next three weeks. The oncologist thought that I could jump right in and start radiation immediately following chemo. I have an appointment to meet with the radiologist on 11/9, a day after my last chemo. That should last six and a half weeks and then I'll meet with the oncologist again to discuss follow up treatment which may include Tamoxifen for five years with Lupron shots every three months for two years. We'll talk with him more about that after radiation.
Not being at school, I don't have as many great kid stories to share, but I do have one that deeply touched me. Alba and Jessica Brice's son goes to Sand Lake. Zak insisted that his mom get some pink hockey tape so that he could tape his stick for a game that night. When his mom did not come home with the right color of pink, she had to call his dad to get pink tape. Not only did he tape his stick pink, but he wrote Lisa on the blade. My hope was that he would play well and he did - even though he was playing Caleb's team. What an inspiration Zak is to all of us.
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First off let start by saying I have you in my thoughts as you battle..I remember you dropping the puck and you cant believe how disappointed I am in Adams behavior.
Being a Principal I can only imagine the thrill of hearing one of your students doing well and the disappointment in hearing one of your students not doing the right thing. That being said my players are a reflection of me, I cant begin to tell you how deflated I felt reading that this morning.
I can ensure you Adam will be dealt with this morning as I m a huge believer in protecting the culture in our room and our community. I apologigize for Adam making the wrong choice. He is a I kid who is always on the edge and is a constant example of me trying to have patience, again its no excuse and I will deal with Adam 's behavior.
Lisa , please don't hesitate to fire me a line if there is anything I can do, even though you are Alaska Aces fans, I would love to see the boys donning a Wrangler hat next time we are up there...well maybe for there protection not a good idea.
My thoughts are with you and your family...
I am so appreciative and thankful for all of the prayers and support. James and I could not manage without it, and these mere words can't really express how much it has meant to us.