Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Bug bite?
James and I were in the Infusion Room at 9:30 this morning.  Had the usual 7 anti nausea pills (I think) and 1 IV bag for anti nausea prior to the chemo drugs.  I opted not to take the pill to help me relax, as I was already pretty relaxed with a blood pressure of 85/56.  Treatments went well, I dozed minimally while James and I played Words with Friends and chatted.  I did order some food around noon, however when it finally came I was no longer hungry.  We finished up at 1:00 and went to pick up the boys from a friend's house.  Green Tea Frap on the way, yum! 

James will give me my neulasta shot tomorrow.  I figure I'll make him a nice breakfast, mocha with whipped cream and caramel and then he'll be feeling pretty sweet on me when he delivers a nice shot to the bum.  :)
Really, just dozing for a second.
He'll probably also give me a haircut, a little closer to the scalp since it is all falling out.

I have acupuncture scheduled for two times a week, my next appointment is on Friday.  The Oncologist will check my white blood cells mid treatment on 6/29.  My next blood draw is scheduled for 7/11 and my third treatment for 7/12. 

Just an FYI:  Pee turns red with the chemo drug Adriamycin, but only for a day.  Almost as strange as blue pee after my bilateral mastectomy from the radioisotope tracers. 


  1. So glad it went well and we are hoping this time you will avoid the white cell drop and the "3rd day crud"..I am so proud of James for the way he is caring for you. He is just like his Dad and his love for you is awesome!

  2. I think your man will be sweet on you even without the mocha with whipped cream and caramel!! You look all long does your chemo treatment take?? Do you need some more salty logs or the pecan toffee??
    HOT, DAMN HOT....130 plus....absolutely beastly!!

    Big hugs and love....deb

  3. I'm so impressed with your positive attitude and outlook Lisa! You have always been and will be a strong amazing woman! Hi to the fam from the Schlotfeldts! :)

  4. Been thinking about you every day - hope to see you soon so we can give you a hug & the super cute hat from Seattle!
    xoxo Tabetha & Bubba
